FDL Wiki

Planet Pittsburgh, New York System
Run by: Deep Space Engineering
Location: F2


Pittsburgh is covered by a single vast desert, broken only by large rocky outcroppings that were big enough to escape being swallowed up by the sand. Without any ice asteroids in close proximity, the planet was not considered a good candidate for terraforming and remained sparsely populated until a full-scale mineral survey in 650AS pinpointed enormous deposits of Boron in the form of borax salts deep within the Corridera Plateau. A large scale mining operation was established on the planet in 660AS by Deep Space Engineering to exploit these deposits, and it is now one of the only raw material extraction facilities left within Liberty space.

Since the success of DSE's Boron minig concerns, there has been an increasing need for miners and other works. DSE has also started to establish other manufacturing plants at the planet, as environmental regulations on Pittsburgh are virtually nonexistant. Many refugees that come seeking asylum in Liberty often get redirected to Pittsburgh to find work in the Boron mines, and to live in the cities that are slowly sprawling outwards around the industrial facilities. Liberty authorities estimate that Pittsburgh's population will reach 85 million by 820AS.


Bar population: 2
Commodity population: 0
Jobs: Bounty Hunters Guild, Deep Space Engineering, Liberty Police, Inc.

Bartender: Carlus Wesley
Bounty Hunters Guild

Deep Space Engineering

Liberty Police, Inc.

Universal Shipping


Trade Routes[]

Updated for LNY, LTX, LCO


Diameter: 6485km

Mass: 4.73 x 10e24 kg

Terrain: Desert

Temperature: -38C to 69C

Escape Velocity: 9.04km
